It was another rough morning with Aiden. In fact it's been a rough year. The "terrible two's" are nothing. It's the terrible three's that are a trial by fire.
Just for future reference, I love Aiden dearly. He has the most bubbly, friendly, energetic personality. He has great manners, loves his siblings and is showing signs of impressive intelligence.
On the other hand, he is strong-willed and exceptionally emotional. Unfortunately for me most of his outbursts happen in very public places. I'm guessing this is God's way of telling me that I still don't have this humility virtue down.
It dawned on me the other day that maybe instead of praying so much for him, I should start praying more for myself and the grace and wisdom to make it through this stage.
This is a stage. We will get through it. We will be better for it. If I'm wrong about this, please don't tell me. It's the only thing that gets me through some moments.
But, God being God always knows how to pick me up. During the time we were dealing with this morning’s outburst in yet another public place, I discussed with him that fact that Jesus is in his heart. He knows when we are being disobedient. When we act out in these ways, we make Jesus sad. He didn't turn around immediately but he did make it into his catechism class.
On the way home in the car I told him that I was very disappointed in his behavior. I told him that I was glad he changed his mind and decided to participate in the class and that I hoped that he would do better next week.
He thought for awhile and then asked me, "Mama, is Jesus right here," pointing to his chest, "in my heart?"
Relieved that at least something positive had come from the morning, I enthusiastically said, "Yes, Aiden. He lives right there in your heart."
He looked down a moment, looked back up and asked, "He don't want me to squish him?"
I laughed and thanked God. All is not lost.