/> Raising Angels: Too Cute

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Too Cute

I'm trying a new approach to daily mass with the boys this week. Last week, as we sat out in the vestibule and they were marching and chasing each other in circles, I calmed them down and held out a carrot.

"If you can sit still and be quiet tomorrow (Friday), next week I'll let you sit in the big church," I said hoping to provide a different kind of motivation.

Eyebrows went up. Lights went on. Boys sat down.

After a long talk in the car Tuesday morning, we arrived at the church. Aiden's feet hit the ground running. He couldn't wait to sit with the big people. Much to my surprise, he did incredibly well and I praised him profusely. Dawson, besides the fact that I don't think he understands the word whisper, or the phrases be quiet and don't talk, did okay too.

I thought we'd try it again today. They found ways to occupy themselves until the priest walked in. When he did and we finally sat down, Aiden whispered (I mean he didn't yell), "Mama, Father looking at me."

"Yes," I whispered trying to end the conversation before it began, "I see him."

"Why he do that?" he wondered out loud. "Because I so cute?"


Blogger Celeste Creates said...

I love that. Yes, he must have been too cute and Father couldn't resist. I am sure Jesus thinks the same thing!

10:51 PM  

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