I just got the pictures of our trip to Folly Beach and I want to spend a moment reminiscing. (Just to let you know, Blogger has been causing me a TON of frustration lately. The final picture of this entry is sideways. It's not my fault, but Bloggers. I just threw in the towel and tired of trying to get it right. I apologize in advance for the crick in the neck I cause you as you gaze sideways at the photo!)
It was our first trip without the kids in 2 1/2 years. Before we left, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. The thought of leaving all three of the kids for five days overwhelmed me. It's not that I couldn't leave them. It's just that at times I feel as if it's all I can do to just survive the day. I love my kids with my whole heart but they wear me out. What would they do to someone who didn't give birth to them?
I was in a frenzy up until the minute I got in the car to leave. After all, I had people staying with my kids...in my house...sleeping in my bedroom. That took a lot of cleaning!

I reluctantly kissed my babies goodbye and then drove away. From that moment on it was a dream vacation. The car ride was so peaceful that I fell asleep, and nobody woke me up.
After unpacking the car, we took a walk on the beach and watched the sunset. The next morning I woke up at 7 a.m., looked at the clock, and then rolled over and went back to sleep.
The next day was so pretty we decided to hangout at the beach which happened to be right outside our door. My maid of honor, who had just moved to Charleston, came with her husband and daughter and we all sat on the beach, played in the sand and took a long walk.
Instead of going out, we grilled out just to spend more time on the beach laughing, talking, and staring at the stars. The rest of the week was more of the same: leisurely meals, shopping, dinner out with another couple of friends who had recently moved to James Island, a few movies, some wine and lots of time to RELAX.

Having a husband who works anywhere from 60 to 80 hours a week, made this vacation a necessity for us. It was a gift I always ask for but rarely get. It was time. Time for me. Time for us. Time well spent.
If you haven't gotten away with your spouse in awhile, I highly recommend that you do. Granted, it's hard to leave the kids, but I have to say that mine were all in one piece when we returned and we experienced no fallout from our absence. Most importantly, I came home refreshed and ready to take on real life again. I came home more in love with Nelson, which I didn't think was possible. I came home more grateful to God for the life He's given me. Hey, I came home!
I love my life. I love my children. I love my husband. I loved my vacation. I can’t wait to go again!