When I was uploading this picture I realized that I've taught all of the people in it besides myself and Nelson. One of them went on vacation with us, one was present at my bridal portrait session and one lived with us for almost a year.
The shower turned out to be a smashing success. But even more successful than the shower itself, was the group effort that went into it.
I know I've told you before that I have the best friends in the world, but I'm going to tell you again...just to prove my point. The week of the party, I had three friends who called to ask what they could do to help. They made the cookies and spinach dip. Another friend offered to bring all the wine and yet another provided the keg. I got to work with a former student to put on the shower and she was fantastic. She created, printed, addressed and mailed all 75 of the invitations! My mom and dad made several shopping trips for me.
Another one of my friends (one of the ones who made some cookies AND has 5 of her own kids) called me on Wednesday to tell me that like it or not, she was coming over to help me clean so I had better give her a job to do or else. She cleaned my bathrooms...my bathrooms! And then there was my cousin who also forced her services on me. She came over and made my house look gorgeous. She worked very hard to make my house look as though it effortlessly always looks beautiful and put together. It's really quite an amazing talent she has. And of course there was Nelson who came home early several days in order to get the lights up in the family room and hook up the speakers throughout the house.
As I was running around Friday like a mad woman cleaning like crazy, I was thinking about how truly blessed I am and how God always, always provides. I briefly wondered why this had never happened to me before when I hosted a party. Why had I never had this much help? And then it occurred to me that the thing in this situation that had changed was not the offers from my friends to help, but my willingness to accept it.
For some strange reason I have always felt that it would be imposing to take people up on their offers. What I failed to realize was that they wouldn’t offer to help if they didn't mean it. After all, when I offer to help someone, I'm serious. What I discovered is that making it a group effort is a lot more fun.
It's a crazy, busy life I live but I wouldn't trade it for the world.