/> Raising Angels: A Different Season

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Different Season

Sometimes you choose your mission and other times it chooses you.

This season on my runs I began to use the time to pray for the people in the houses I passed. Out on the trails this translated to praying for the people I passed, or rather who passed me, along the way.

Over the past several months, I have run into people or situations that have really burdened my heart. I pray for them too.

I've never thought of myself as an intercessor but tonight it dawned on me that perhaps God does.


Anonymous Heather N said...

Great idea for runs, I never thought of doing it then. I read, and have since adopted, praying for those around you at traffic lights and in lines at stores. It really helps keep your heart focused, especially during the holidays.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Amy Parris said...

I hear ya. It's hard to think mean things about the thoughtless people around you when you're praying for them:)

How you doing Mama?

10:56 PM  
Blogger Kevin Killips said...

Oh, good. Keep intercessing for me!

11:47 AM  

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