Surrounded by Love
I work in a small school. I teach a class of 12 students and it's the only fourth grade class we have. Kindergarten through fifth grade have self contained classrooms all in the same building. There are seven full time teachers in my building.
I do not exaggerate when I tell you I work with some of the best people anywhere. Let me tell you about a few things that happened just today.
Before the kids arrived, the kindergarten teacher popped her head in my room to give her condolences about last night's game. Then she added, "I told my carpool that if any of them say anything mean to you or to Felicity, I will have their heads!"
During the once a week music class they have, I ran into our principal (who also happens to be Felicity's teacher, and my dear friend). We talked about some deep issues concerning school. She not only gets to school early every day to open all of our classrooms and turn on the lights, she listens to my concerns and acts on them. She has my back and is a superb educator.
The PE teacher and I chatted as I gathered things for my bulletin board. She offered to pray for me, as she so often does. She is a true servant and loves our students.
At lunch, one of the teachers commented on my new shirt, and another added how beautiful I looked today. Comments like that make me so joyful. I have friends who are secure enough to notice the beauty in others and tell them. How great is that?!
As I went out for recess duty, I caught the fifth grade teacher and we discussed different teaching challenges. She teaches across the hall from me and is always so gracious with her time. She lets me talk things out, ask questions, and pick her brain for ideas.
This is just one day. I get to work with these women five days a week and it is a gift indeed. They feed my soul by encouraging me, and by just being who they are. God knew I was going to need to be surrounded by people like this in the hard seasons. I'm so glad He surrounded me with these ladies.
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