/> Raising Angels: Heroic Action

Friday, September 11, 2009

Heroic Action

Tonight before dinner Nelson asked us to go around the table and each say something that we're grateful for.

"I'm thankful that Mama's a teacher at my school," said Aiden on his turn.

I knew right then how sweet that thought was. Thinking about it further I am reminded that this is such a precious time in my life. It is busy and demanding and exhausting, but also wonderful.

You see I am a hero in these parts - not because of what I wear, how much I weigh or even the things I know. I am a hero simply because I spend time with these precious souls and, although they are too young to verbalize it or even realize it fully, they understand on some level.

They not only like that I'm with them, they want me to be here. In their eyes I can solve most any problem, heal most every hurt, and fill most every need. They see me as the person I hope to be regardless of who I really am. They love me unconditionally and follow me fearlessly.

I recognize this as a sweet gift...one of the moments in which God allows me to see the bigger picture. Getting back into teaching may be one of the hardest things I've had to do in awhile, but it might also prove to be one of the smartest decisions I've ever made.


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