/> Raising Angels: Whew!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Last weekend I was grateful that basketball season came to an end. Don't get me wrong, I love watching my kids play, but I also love having a free night or weekend every once in a blue moon. On Sunday, I was exhausted, but also excited that this week included no games.

Then it hit. Next Tuesday is the regional literary competition, which I coach students for (as well as two of my boys). That means whatever free time I have at school (which may be like 20 minutes here and there) and at home, is going to be spent coaching. Also, Friday is Country Day in 4th grade which means yesterday I got a dozen country reports all between 15-30 pages long that need to be graded by tomorrow. Oh, and it's mid-quarter, so I also have report cards to do. All on the week of Felicity's Little Sisters skating party and Max's birthday, which no matter how hard I tried, fell on the same day anyway. 

Tuesday, I was so tired that when I came home, I fought back tears. It's just one of those seasons. When I wake up and I can't think of the next time I'll have a free moment, I panic slightly. 

When I was single, I thrived on a full schedule. It helped keep my mind off the fact that I was still single. And so, instead of sitting around being depressed that I wasn't dating anyone, I just kept so busy, that I didn't have time to think about it. It's a little different with a family on top of all of the commitments.

I'm grateful that I understand that this too shall pass. In a mere two weeks time, regionals and state will be finished, country reports will be a memory, and report cards will go out and come back. I'm grateful that we have these opportunities for our students. We have long been a sports centered school and it's great to let some other kids shine. I'm grateful for the tradition of Country Day and that we get to celebrate with a feast of food from their countries. And, I'm grateful that in one quarter and a half, it...will...be...summer.


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