/> Raising Angels: Time Well Spent

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Time Well Spent

Today was a crazy day at school. That was followed immediately by being a leader at Felicity's Little Sisters, which was followed by me rushing home to change clothes and then driving about 45 minutes to the varsity games. Felicity was at her after school basketball program, Dawson was going to the game with his team, and Max decided he wasn't up for the long drive on an cold, rainy night. 

That found me alone in the car with 45 minutes of silence. Ahh....

Since I've been a mom, I've learned to enjoy the simple luxury of riding solo in the car. After a day like today, it was just what I needed before I settled in at the scoring table for the next few hours. 

Some of my best prayer times and my clearest words from the Lord have come to me during these solo drives. It's amazing what quiet does for prayer.

God knew I was going to need that because it just so happened that the cheerleading squad of about 20 young ladies sat DIRECTLY behind me at the scoring table and cheered during the ENTIRE game (including between quarters and at half time) for BOTH games. 

Bless their enthusiastic hearts. They were so loud, I couldn't hear myself think.

I wasn't looking forward to driving back alone because it was dark, freezing, and raining. The roads were supposed to be getting icy and my lights aren't the best. However, I prayed much more intently on that drive than I did going to the game. Also, I was VERY happy for the quiet.

Today I am grateful that the Lord has taught me to use the gifts He gives me, like time alone in the car, to spend time with Him. I'm also grateful to know that it's always time well spent.


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