Change of Plans
All the lunches are packed and the bags are bursting at the seams with labeled supplies. The kids have been sleeping soundly for hours now and for some reason my stomach is still turning.
This was supposed to be my year “off”. I turned down numerous teaching offers in order to spend more time with my little guy while he's still at home as well as to try a big project I've had on the back-burner for three years now. I thought this moment would find me elated and feeling free.
Except I now am the mother of a middle-schooler and I'm not quite sure what to expect. I also agreed to teach art to the third grade once a month. Once a month should be a piece of cake. It will be fun and it will get me in the classroom of the kid who spent last year complaining that I NEVER go on any field trips with him.
But then my wonderful husband got himself out of a seriously big commitment by suggesting that I would be perfect for the position (you know I love ya babe!). Ooh...I don't know about that I said to his, "Doll, you're going to be great at this!” The next day I got another call wanting me to sign on to an ever bigger project.
Now I have some big decisions to make because, believe it or not, I'm not going to say yes to everyone (at least not intentionally). There will be prayer involved and hopefully God will show me what's right.
The only sense I've gotten so far is that God has no intention of giving me the year off. Well, it was a nice thought, even briefly.
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