/> Raising Angels: Some Days You Just Don't Feel Like It

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Some Days You Just Don't Feel Like It

We love Max's therapist. He is a rough and tumble kind of guy who Max adores. Unfortunately, however much he loves his therapist, he does not always love the therapy. Therapy for Max is a tough workout and some days, like all of us, he just doesn't feel like it.

Yesterday while the therapist was getting out his toys, I heard him ask Max, "Are you ready to play?"

"No," said Max rather matter-of-factly. "I want to watch TV."

"You'd rather watch TV than play with me?" asked his therapist. "Come on buddy, let's play."

"I don't want to play," Max reminded him again.

"We'll have fun. Let's play."

"Well," Max tried again, "you could watch TV with me."


Blogger Katie said...

That is cute! My youngest was not always thrilled to do his physucal therapy either!

2:08 PM  

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