/> Raising Angels: Grateful - Day 16

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Grateful - Day 16

Today I had the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of one of my neighbors. In the planning of this event a very wise decision was made. Instead of eating out, we opted for a picnic in the backyard (it's been in the 80's this week) so that we could visit while the kids roamed in freedom.

We ate, talked, laughed, painted nails and just plain hung out. The kids had fun but I think we enjoyed ourselves more. Our 11:30 lunch finally ended when the 3 o'clock kids came home from school.

Today I'm grateful for girl time with girls who are living the life I live. Friends who can cover topics on everything from food to NFP. Friends who when they say they'll pray for you, really do it. Friends who love each other enough to paint each others' toe nails.

I know I say this all the time, but I really need to do this more often!


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