/> Raising Angels: The Truly Penitent

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Truly Penitent

Mackenzie had her First Penance today and it was truly beautiful to share this sacrament with our first child. She was a little nervous but she came out of the confessional glowing - a physical example of what Jesus does for our souls in this sacrament.

While she was waiting in line, we were instructed to stay seated in our pews after which we could avail ourselves to the sacrament as well. It took some time for everyone to make it through which provided ample opportunity for questions about confession from Aiden.

After some serious explaining about this sacrament, Aiden decided that this too would be the day of his First Penance. "Aiden," I said calmly, "you can make your First Penance when you are seven, just like Mackenzie."

"But Mama, I want to do it now," he anxiously replied.

"The church says you have to wait buddy."


"Well you have to be old enough to truly understand what you are doing," I said.

"But Mama...I KNOW what I'm doing. I'm doing BAD things."


Blogger Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

LOL about Aiden!

I totally agree with what you had to say about Mackenzie's first reconciliation -- we experienced our oldest's first reconciliation in November, and it was the same kind of thing. He was nervous going in, but came out and gave us a thumbs up afterwards! :) He actually just did his second one on Wednesday night to get ready before first Communion.

It's an exciting time for our kiddos! :)

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not my Godson! He's such a sweetheart.

Mackenzie, I am so happy for you!


8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an introspective young fellow you have. When it comes time for his first confession the priest better be ready. How sweet that at such a young age he has an aversion to sin. Would we all be like little children!

9:47 PM  

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