Happy 4th Birthday Aiden!
Aiden, it's hard to believe that it's been four years already. It seems like just yesterday we were rushing to the hospital to make sure you were born there and not in the car. We made it with about 20 minutes to spare. Unfortunately, neither the doctor nor the anesthetist made it. You came bursting into this world in the same way you continue to this day - feet running from the get go.
Daddy and I were so happy that you were a boy. We felt so blessed to have a perfect little girl and now a beautiful baby boy. And believe me, you proved you were a boy from the moment of birth and haven't stopped. I don't care what anyone says about how we train boys to be boys - there were some fundamental differences from the time you exited the womb.
You have such a wonderful heart. You are my friendly, jovial, caring boy. You love your brother and sister in a way that teaches me generosity and you care for them in a way fitting of being the oldest brother. You also have a genuine love for babies and I can't wait to see you with your new brother or sister. Every time we see a baby these days you ask, "Are we going to have a baby just like that one?"I have no doubt that you are teeming with intelligence based on the thousands of questions you ask every day. I am often amazed that you not only remember my answers, but you also apply them when appropriate. Lately your curiosity has centered in on the faith and you ask some questions to which there are no logical answers. That never deters you. You simply press on and, I believe, grow in faith.
With all the events surrounding Uncle Aaron's ordination, you have assured me that you will be a priest when you grow up. That would thrill me to no end but I want you to remember something very important. Daddy and I will always be proud of you, not because of what you do, but because of who you are. Our prayer for you is that you do the Lord's will in your life, no matter the cost. If you are able to do that, you will always find peace and joy. As parents, we couldn't ask for anything more.
Aiden, I love you buddy, from the bottom of my heart. You are the answer to my prayers and one of the greatest gifts God has given me. I am so proud of the big boy you are growing into and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you.
Happy Birthday!
And, yes, I did make that cake.
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