/> Raising Angels: A Surprise Visit

Sunday, January 23, 2022

A Surprise Visit

Today I was pleasantly surprised by Aiden's arrival home late this afternoon. Maybe he told someone, but it wasn't me. And, even though he's only been back at school a week or two, it was nice to see him walk in. 

It's such a small thing, but it's also a big blessing just to be able to say, "I love you," to him as I say goodnight. He has to head back first thing in the morning, but not before I get the chance to say goodbye and maybe, "I love you," one more time. 

I'm grateful for a son who comes back home. I'm grateful for the chance to let him know I love him with no grand gesture, just a simple phrase. I'm grateful he's doing well and loving school, but also that he still needs to come home occasionally too.


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