/> Raising Angels: A Couple of Firsts

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Couple of Firsts

No. This is not Mackenzie's first time to lose a tooth. In fact, she was a pirate and a flower girl sans her two other bottom teeth. And, as you can see, she's VERY close to losing her first top tooth. Notice the giant gap up there.

What I'm referring to here is the fact that this was the first time I've ever pulled one of her teeth. Daddy got the first one while I recorded the moment. The second one was pulled by one of her friends while she was swimming.

I have never been very interested in pulling teeth. I guess I get that from my mother, who funny enough, is a 25 year veteran ER nurse who has held brain matter in her hands and delivered a baby in the back seat of a cab but CANNOT stand the sight of wiggly teeth. Go figure.

Mackenzie ran into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner and squealed, "Mama! It's really ready! Can you pull it?"

Sure enough, upon inspection, I discerned that if I didn't try to get it out, it may be swallowed during dinner. I grabbed hold of it and with one gentle tug, out it came. I'm not sure who was happier, her or me, but there was definitely an air of excitement as she showed off her new hole to her little brothers.

Aren't you proud of me Mom!

In other news of firsts around here, I sent the boys out to play this morning while I finished up my prayer time. I could see their little heads bobbing and hear their voices clearly from where I sat. About 5 minutes later, after I finished, I opened the door to double check that they were still within reach. They were playing happily on the back porch.

I dashed back inside to go to the bathroom and then grabbed my keys and headed out. When I reached the porch, the boys were nowhere to be found. "Aiden! Dawson!" I shouted a few times only to hear silence.

I walked around to the other side of the house and yelled again. Still no sign of them. I checked the back yard and then ran to the front yard. Still, nothing.

By this time I was getting frantic. How could I lose two boys in under a minute? Who could I call to for help? Will they lock me away for being a bad mother? What about the neighbor? I raced back inside wondering if they had gone back in without making a sound (yeah, right).

Now mind you, this all happened in the matter of about 45 seconds. That didn't matter to me. I was beginning to really worry. Where could they possibly be? I called again, this time more frantically, "AIDEN! DAWSON! ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!"

Then, to my great relief, I heard Dawson's tiny far away voice say, "What Mama?"

I ran in the direction of the voice, which seemed to come from the neighbor's, but I still didn't see either of them. Just then, from the crawl space under the neighbor's house popped Dawson's little head. "What Mama? We in here."

"What are you doing? Get out of there! Where's your brother?" I stammered.

From the dark recesses beneath the house I saw Aiden's red hair coming towards the light. "We are just getting our ball Mama. It's okay. I found it!" he relayed excitedly with the ball in hand and dirt in hair.

Yep the first time, and for their sake better be the last time, under a house. Well at least until they’re old enough to fix something under there.


Blogger Nadine said...

Hi, I stopped by for the party. I think kids are at their cutest with missing teeth. Funny fact about your mom and teeth. Thank you for sharing.

3:02 AM  
Blogger My name is Dianna said...

Congrats to Mackenzie!
The feeling of missing children has to be the most emptying, heart wrenching, desolate, desparate, I-can't-breathe-another-breath-until-I-can-touch-them feeling. I am so sorry you went throught that, Amy! I am convinved that it's how Hell is. God Bless!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Amy Parris said...

Thanks for visiting Nadine. Come back soon.

Yes, Dianna, for that brief amount of time that seemed like eternity, it felt horrible.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...


Charlie and Mackenzie look like they're trying to compete in the snaggle-tooth awards. Charlie's top tooth is hanging by its very last threat. Mackenzie looks about the same! So cute.

8:53 AM  

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