/> Raising Angels: Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Dearest Friends and Family,

What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, we were preparing for our trip to England and Ireland with three children five and under. Two were in diapers, one was not walking, and one was in school every day for half the day. Fast forward to this year, we now have three children, ages 6, 3 and 2. All are walking…and talking nonstop. Only one is still in diapers and one is now in school all day throughout the week. Ah…progress!

Mackenzie was sad about leaving Kindergarten until she figured out that she now gets to go to school all day…which means her recess time has doubled. She may be the littlest one in her class (perhaps the whole school) but she packs a punch in spite of her pint-sized package. This summer she was thrown into an intermediate swim class and kept up with kids three times her size and twice her age. She also tried out a gymnastics class and fell in love. She can be found doing her perfect split and backbend everywhere she goes. We were also incredibly proud that she was chosen for the only solo in her school’s Christmas pageant this year. She sang all three verses of “Silent Night” dressed as an angel (of course) and left not one dry eye in the house. I don’t know what we did to deserve her but we’re sure glad she’s ours.

Aiden is still all boy. He’s into basketball these days and we seldom leave a public restroom without him sinking a long shot (paper towel) into the trash can. Nelson’s been working on Aiden’s tackling skills and has taught him well. Now, when I pick him up from school, he literally knocks me over. He appears to be keeping up with Mackenzie in more ways than one. This year, at the Fourth of July talent show, he joined Mackenzie for a duet in front of several hundred people and didn’t hesitate for one minute nor did he miss one word or note of the song. Although we tire at times of his rapid-fire questions, he seems to be listening to our answers. He is a whiz with numbers and is intently working on writing his name.

Dawson, who was my quietest baby, has turned up the volume lately. His ever-calm demeanor has given way to a hearty laugh, instant pout, gruff voice and furrowed brow. However his big baby blues mixed with his giant dimples and sweet smile saves him from many a scolding. Having to follow in the footsteps of a big sister and brother, he is insistent on “I do it!” and usually succeeds.

Nelson, Mackenzie and I traveled to Rome, Italy in October to see my brother, Aaron, be ordained a transitional deacon in Saint Peter’s Basilica. After the Christmas trip, Nelson and I quickly decided to do this one sans boys. It was a tremendous experience and we highly recommend Rome as a travel destination.

And, well…the house. As you might have noticed, it is not in the background of our picture as last year’s letter said in might be. And that’s because, well…you can just call Nelson and ask him the details. I’m staying out of it. Really though, we have finally hit a stage where some real progress is happening and we hope to be in by this summer (and don’t tell me to add six more months to that estimate because I’ve already done that…twice).

We hope that you take some time this season to sit back and enjoy all the blessings God has given you. We certainly will.

Merry Christmas!


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