Me: At the party store buying things for the shower I'm giving tonight thinking, "Bubbles will keep them outside and busy for hours."
Boys: At the same place thinking, "BUBBLES!"
Me: At home knowing that I've got to get this stuff made for the shower saying, "Who wants to go outside and blow bubbles?"
Boys: "BUBBLES!!"Me: Happily cooking away hearing the excited giggles of boys blowing bubbles thinking, "Ah, thank you Jesus."
Me: "What happened?"
Aiden: "Look it Dawson dood! He spilled his bubbles! Just like this," he said as he did the same to his laughing hysterically.
Me: "Okay let me get some water and rinse them off before you fall."
Me: Inside filling up a pitcher with water hearing the pounding of little hands against the kitchen door wondering, "What now?" Walking over to the window and looking out and seeing two sets of big blue eyes staring back at me.
Aiden: "We're washing the door for you mama!"
Ten minutes of blowing bubbles. Fifteen minutes of stomping in the water and making hand and foot prints in the driveway. Ten minutes of handwashing the kitchen door. Fifteen minutes of cleaning up the porch and the boys. Almost one hour of memory-making fun!
I am going ot bookmark your blog! You have such a beautiful attitude about getting messy with the kids. I would have never given them the bubbles in the first place, thinking that I would have to spend even more time cleaning up the mess later. i will come here fo rmy daily lesson in letting my kids be kids! God bless you and your precious family.
Thanks for the kudos Kitty.
It's taken three kids for God to really work at ridding me of my spirit of perfection - and, as you can see, He's still working on me.
Not every moment is perfect and that's really okay. For, once I realized this, I enjoy all the other moments much more!
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