Crafty In Spite of Myself
Funny how things work out. After this post, we hit church Sunday and ran into the Advent Fair with the kids.
It was craftapalooza! Jesse tree ornaments, Advent wreaths, Nativity sets, and prayer journals all set up for the kids to make with our help. It made me smile.
Tomorrow there are some big Thanksgiving feasts planned for the elementary classes and both the boys have to bring snacks and be dressed as a pilgrim or Indian.
Today I pulled these the costumes together with minimal effort (pair of scissors, tape and safety pins) and major success. The cookies are made from a cutout of Dawson's hand and I actually let him decorate them all by himself (I've come such a long way!). Seems I do manage some crafting after all. However, my pictures, taken with my phone, are not quite as beautiful.
Just wanted everyone to know that Amy's hands do not look this bad in person!! Great job Dawson and super mom!!
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