/> Raising Angels: Just Wondering

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just Wondering

Did you ever get the feeling that someone has given up on your child? Does it take the wind out of your sails?

Do you ever have the kind of week when nothing you plan turns out the way it's supposed to? Do you adjust?

Do you ever think that having a week away from it all in the middle of school is way more work than it's worth? Do you do it anyway?

Does all of this happen to you at the same time? Ever?

Time to rally.


Blogger Mom Nages said...

Oh Amy! I can't imagine how distressing it would be to think someone had given up on my child. Your post sounds so distressing. You've had a couple posts lately that have sounded like someone is struggling. I"m so sorry. I will keep your family in my prayers. You always have such faith, strength and perseverance. I know you will make it through what challenge He has given you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Amy Parris said...

I was distressed but I rallied. Had a talk with the party and discovered it was a bit of really bad communication. Feeling much better about the whole thing now thank goodness.

I may email you when I get back from the beach though. The situation is something you may have a bit of expertise in:)

Thanks for your prayers! I still think about you and miss you on the runs. Maybe next year.

12:53 AM  
Blogger Mom Nages said...

I'm happy to help if you need. I hope to make it back into running soon. I think Hany is going to help me get to the half route. I hope I'll see you just at the lake just before JC Calhoun. Enjoy the beach!

3:41 PM  

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