/> Raising Angels: Big Boy Bed

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Big Boy Bed

I have been switching out the boys winter and summer clothes this week. As I pulled the tubs of summer stuff (we have received SO MANY hand-me-downs that I have three of them) out from under the crib I had this crazy idea. Now that everything is cleared out, I might as well take the crib out and bring in the toddler bed.

I've thought of this before but then quickly rethought it as visions of the boys totally free in their room at bedtime danced in my head. Over the last few months I've realized that the crib doesn't stop them from playing. They still stay up for hours some nights giggling away at each other. And, although Dawson can't get out of his crib, it's not unusual for me to walk in and find Aiden in there with him.

Today I decided it was time to bite the bullet. He's going to be in a bed in the new house anyway, I figured I might as well get the training done in this house before a flight of stairs is added to the mix.

The crib has been in that room for almost 7 years now excluding a few months before Aiden was born when I moved Mackenzie out of it. I got a little sad thinking about how my babies have grown. I was in awe that I had reached this milestone. Some days it feels as if they will be totally dependent forever and then there are days like today when I realize that it's happening too fast.

I did the rearranging with help from my dad while the boys were at school. I hadn't told them about it so it could be a big surprise.

Dawson was the first to realize something funny was going on when I pulled into the garage and he saw the crib. "Hey! Why's my bed in here? Where did that come from?" he asked ever so curiously.

I unbuckled him and joked, "That's your bed. You're going to be sleeping out in the garage from now on." I briefly rethought my little joke when I saw a look of terror come over his face but I played it further saying, "Don't you want to sleep out here?"

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he yelled, "Yes!"

"Can I sleep out here too?" Aiden asked.

I forgot I was dealing with boys and that sleeping out here with the bugs would be a great adventure, not a punishment. They changed their tunes however when they walked into the room and saw the bed.

"Who put that in here? Who's it for? Why is the crib gone? Why do I get a big bed now?" came flying at me through the squeals of their voices and the squeaks of the bed as they jumped on it.

I answered the questions and put Dawson in the bed for his nap. I gave him very strict instructions about the bed and then closed the door and hoped for the best. Two hours later I was amazed. Besides one initial opening the door and using my most serious warning voice, I hadn't heard a peep from him (Aiden naps in Mackenzie's room).

I grabbed the camera and headed for the door with visions of my sweet little angel soundly asleep in his brand new big boy bed. I opened the door and found instead my toddler still awake, with the side rail broken, and every toy in the room in bed with him. He looked up with a surprised expression, saw the camera and said, "Cheese! I stayed in my bed Mama!"


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