/> Raising Angels: Sunday Summary

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Summary

Can you believe that I let a whole week go by without even looking at the computer? It was one of those typical whirlwind weeks. When we moved in, Nelson and I decided we needed to have house guests or host some big event at our place every few months of so in order to motivate us to get some things done around here that get placed on the back burner.

Friday afternoon my aunt, my cousin and his family all came for a visit. We were thrilled they were coming, but suddenly we felt a need to try to do all the things on our list at once. They didn't all get done but we checked off a huge chunk of things on that list.

It's amazing what you can get done with a little motivation (like houseguests), a little time (kids were in a vacation bible school last week at night and they ate dinner there), and a little inspiration (finally putting up those curtains in the laundry room).

I have photos to share but tomorrow is Aiden's birthday, which I'm embarrassed to admit, got put on hold with the house guests here. So I've got a shopping list to make, a cake to bake and some presents to buy. Let's hope that motivation and inspiration didn't leave with our guests!


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