/> Raising Angels: I Can Do ALL Things...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Can Do ALL Things...

Last night we stopped at a live Nativity. When I told the kids why we were stopping the questions ensued.

"Is this really a real Nativity Mama?" Aiden wanted to know.

"It's real," I assured him.

"You mean real people like dressed up, or really the baby Jesus?"

Okay, so here I held the truth a little because I wanted to see his reaction. "It's real buddy."

When we walked up to the scene the other kids went to the live animals that surrounded the stable, but not Aiden. Aiden walked straight up to the manger. He edged in a little closer, made a face and ran back towards me. "THAT was not the baby Jesus, he was JUST a doll." Then in total disappointment he added, "AND that baby doll cannot make me fly."


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