/> Raising Angels: Holy Places

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Holy Places

On the way to church Sunday Aiden was in full question mode (is there any other mode at this age?).

"Mama, we going to church?"

"Yes Aiden."

"Which church we going to, the little church (where we attend daily mass) or the nursery church (our parish)?"

"Holy Trinity buddy."

"My school is at my church?"

"Yes Aiden it is."


"Well we like to support our church and it's a good school that you like."

Finally, another voice piped in from the backseat. Mackenzie, who had apparently been paying attention to the whole line of questions observed, "Wow! Aiden and I both get to go to school at holy places."

"How's that?" I asked with curiosity.

"Well, Aiden has church at his school and we go to prayer meetings at my school."

"You know, you're right Mackenzie. You guys are pretty lucky aren't you?"

"Yes!" they answered in chorus.

I am too.


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