/> Raising Angels: Max Turns One Today!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Max Turns One Today!


It's hard for me to believe that you turn one today. It could be the fact that you are just cutting your 5th tooth, or that you aren't crawling yet, or walking. Or maybe, just maybe I'm in a little bit of denial that my newest baby boy has already been here a year.

I have had some great babies but you definitely win the prize. You have been peaceful and content since the moment you were born. I think that may be the reason you're still not mobile. You are more than willing to sit and play for long periods of time by yourself.

You have such a joyful spirit. You laugh and smile easily. Most mornings you greet me with a smile and a "Hi!" You love hugs and kisses. You adore your siblings. You dance to any music that is playing. You clap, high five and blow kisses with the best of them.

I love that fact that every time I say your name I think of the great saint you were named after. I am excited to see the boy you will grow into, although I can wait a little longer because I love the baby you are right now.

You are such a gift to all of us Max and we love you dearly. Happy Birthday!



Blogger nicole said...

I can't believe it!

Butterfly is not crawling on all fours yet, and only pulling up. She army crawls like a champ though. And as we experienced moms know, there is no rush to get mobile!

Happy Birthday Max!

12:20 PM  

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