/> Raising Angels: Vacation's All I Ever Wanted

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Vacation's All I Ever Wanted

We're heading out of town tomorrow for a week at the beach. I've been looking forward to this trip for months now. Since we're going with all of Nelson's extended family, I've been thinking how this will be a good time for my kids to bond with their relatives. And, after the wedding and other summer activities, I've really been looking forward to the break.

That is until today. After numerous trips to the grocery store, many loads of laundry, lots of gathering, organizing and packing, packing, packing (times 5), I’ve lost my enthusiasm.

I was up until the wee hours (sometime after 2) last night just getting things together. Here I am again with hours to go until I sleep. Isn't it a bit ironic that vacationing is so much work?

Tonight we had a big rain storm and it dawned on me that I hadn't checked the weather report in some time. Now, I really wish I hadn't. The forecast for the beach that we're heading to is rain - EVERY DAY. My mom has always said that a rainy day at the beach is better than a rainy day at home but with 25 of us in the same house, I'm not sure her theory will hold true.

Regardless of what happens, we will go. And, my guess is, whether or not it rains every day, my kids will still have fun as long as I keep my spirits up and be creative.

One day, many years from now, I will take a vacation where I actually vacate, relax, and do a whole lot of nothing. This is not that time. And, Murphy’s Law, when I get there, I will miss all the activity and fun of these days (at least that's what I try to tell myself).

To moms out there everywhere who have been where I am - thank you. Thank you for all your hard work that is the stuff our memories are made of. Thank you for your planning and packing everything we needed. Thank you for working through your "vacation" so that we felt like we were on one. Thank you for teaching us that it's not about the amount of work or the level of effort or the lack of sleep. Vacations are about being together, playing together and making memories that will last a life time. And, mom, thank you, THANK YOU!

I will go to the beach. I will have fun. I will gather shells while holding the umbrella over my kids if I have to. I will because I'm a mom and that's what we do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is worth the trouble and if I get to the place where I go on a vacation and just relax I'll be sure and let you know!!! hAVE FUN AND KISS THE KIDS FOR ME! love Mom

4:35 PM  
Blogger Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

This had me in tears. I am dreading our possible week at the beach, with my parents-in-law. Please pray that God will grace me with a better attitude.

7:56 AM  
Blogger Amy Parris said...

Barb, you'll be in my prayers. If you go, let me know and I'll offer my week for you.

2:14 PM  

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